Open house at insensiv
insensiv hosts open day in Bielefeld
Lots of product demonstrations, exciting presentations and an entertaining side program with coffee specialities and a pizza truck make the open day at insensiv a successful event.
In addition to a general insight into the company, we were able to introduce many of our products and innovative new developments during the full-day inhouse exhibition. Especially the presentation of the new “CCVM” for the automated return of Coffee-to-go cups generated a lot of positive feedback. The reverse vending machine is able to take back all common types of returnable cups and therefore helps to solve the problem of increasing environmental pollution caused by disposable plastic.
After having mainly business partners, suppliers and customers as our guests in the morning, families and friends also had the opportunity to get to know the company in the afternoon. With an inflatable castle and lots of ice cream we were able to inspire the insensiv kids as well. Presentations on topics such as UAV technology, deep learning or 3D image processing completed the program. “We would like to thank all our guests for the many interesting conversations and the productive exchange. The open day was a great opportunity for everyone to get an exciting insight into the work at insensiv as well as our product portfolio”, our managing director Christian Gieselmann summed up the event.