Innovative recycling solutions
For the recycling industry, we offer automatic solutions for taking back various types of beverage packaging. As an expert for image processing solutions, we are able to recognize almost every type of container, whether one-way or reusable, by its contour. When it comes to recycling and sustainability, rely on the proven reverse vending technology from INSENSIV!

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Our key expertise: Customer-specific developed image processing systems
For the tasks of our customers we develop products and solutions for the growth drivers automation, digitalization, process optimization and quality assurance.
The main focus here is on intelligent camera systems and sensor technology. Our developments are always oriented towards customer wishes and market requirements. In doing so, we always have a scalable and user-oriented (series) product in mind!
Recycling in all its aspects
Get inspired by our projects already realized for the recycling industry.

Recycling of shoes
A shoe store company represented throughout Germany with around 500 shops has discovered recycling as an instrument for customer retention. Our customer-specific development helps to process the exchange process in an automated and customer-friendly manner.

Recycling of coffee cups
Almost 3 billion disposable coffee cups are used in Germany every year and, above all, thrown away.* Our take-back solutions, which can be adapted according to the individual specifications of the customers, help to recycle disposable cups or replace them with reusable cups.
*Source: Deutsche Umwelthilfe
You need more information about our products and developments for the recycling industry? Download the corresponding product flyers or contact us directly. We will be glad to help you.